About Jane
Jane’s psychic journey started noticeably, around the time she was 14, when she became interested in different faiths and thought processes.
She jumped whole heartedly into investigating spiritual study and exploring her own psychic and spiritual development.
This became a cornerstone of her studies at university and has continued to be a
governing factor in her life and love as she has gotten older.
Today Jane is one of Australia's best known and respected accurate psychics.
With over 30 years experience, having worked throughout Australia and America.
Her honest, straightforward approach & relaxed style allow for a pleasant and comfortable experience.
Book a tarot reading from 1/2 to 1 hour,or avail yourself
to motivational counselling, a house blessing and cleansing.
Or enquire about her new approach to spiritual balancing and centering for the modern lifestyle and business.
Services offered.
Psychic Tarot Clairvoyant Spiritual past life readings
Affinity " Energy " Card readings
Individual psychic development or psychic protection sessions
Spells & spell removal, curse / hex removal
Animal guides and totems
Shamanic guidance
House blessings & clearings.
Meditation class (Wednesday)
Wand making workshops
Face to face sessions Phone, Skype email and online sessions available.
Other workshops and classes as announced.